Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer's End

Dear Family and Friends,
            I am now back in Lynchburg for my senior year at Liberty University. I’m so excited to see what God has me learning during my final year of nursing school! This past summer was full of amazing experiences, and there are entirely too many stories to share on one page! Bear with me as I try to give you just a glimpse of what happened during the past two months.
            Once I arrived back from another year of summer missionary training school, I started right in with a full week of clubs. I taught at 3 day cares and one private home. The daycares averaged 12-15 children per day, so we always had a lot of fun. The kids loved the Bible lessons that taught the I Am’s of Christ. The first day we learned that He is the Good Shepherd, then the Bread of Life, and so on throughout the week. During the games we play to help the children learn their memory verses there was lots of laughter and carrying on, but the kids knew their memory verses the next day! At one of the clubs, 5 year old Curtis piped up and said “When Jesus died on the cross and went to Heaven, He left ME in charge of the world!” I wasn’t quite sure what to say to that…. During my second week of clubs, they were all in private homes or at the CEF county office. It was great being able to teach the same children as previous years and see how much they had grown in their faith. My last week of clubs were all local clubs in the Jonestown and surrounding area. In total I was able to teach about 25-30 kids every day. Because I work alone, counseling children for salvation is one of the biggest challenges I face. Mr. Ralph was able to come to club a few days throughout the summer and counsel children total for salvation. At one club we had 6 children respond to the invitation.
            One of the “favorite” parts of club for the children was the missionary story we teach every day. We always leave off at a cliff hanger so the kids want to come back the following day. This year we taught the story of John Paton who was one of the first missionaries to the Vanuatu islands. During his lifetime he was able to minister to many different groups of people on the islands. This was, by far, my favorite missionary story. Vanuatu has been close to my heart since I was in 9th grade. I got to hear a group of missionaries speak about the island peoples, and I have felt a burden since then for this people group. Financially, and schedule-wise, it has never worked out for me to go to Vanuatu. However, at the end of next summer, before I start full-time hospital work, I am praying for the opportunity to finally go to Vanuatu! The short-term trip schedule is not online yet for 2013, but if God allows, next August or September I will be making my way to those special islands off the coast of Australia prior to starting work full-time.
            Once again, thank you so much for your prayers and support during this summer. Financially you have helped me complete my last year of college, and pay for my car to be fixed (three times) in the past two months. Talk about Satan not wanting me at clubs… thank goodness we have an extra family car! Spiritually, I have felt your prayers at work throughout the summer when it felt like I couldn’t do one more thing. I would greatly appreciate your continued prayers as I finish up this rigorous last year at college, and make plans for the future. As of right now I will finish up with school mid-June of 2013, and begin studying for State Boards. Currently I do not know where I will be working after graduation, nor what my summer plans will be, but God will lead me in the right direction. I just continue to walk through the doors until God shuts one, and opens another. I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future!
Thank you again.

In Christ,
Meagan Gerberich
Memorable Moments.... 
Sabastian getting revenge with a bucket of water!

Mmmmm babies :)

Sister picture.

Me being "Dandy Lion" for the kids' game.

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