Monday, January 23, 2012

Head in the Clouds?

Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of this earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 
Colossians 3:1-3

What has your mind been on lately? Maybe you're worried about a relationship, or a job, or life in general. I know for many of us, myself included, school takes up much of what we think about. We're into the second week of class, there's homework, assignments, exams; it all just seems to be piling on at once.  Are you stressing about it, worried about how you'll get everything done? I know its something I've been struggling with for the past few days. During devotions today I found this verse and it made me open my eyes, mind, and heart. Bear with me, because I'm going to take this verse a bit out of context for the moment and challenge you to take your mind off the things of this world (i.e. school, work, cell phone, internet, TV, facebook -- whatever may have your attention right now) and "put your head in the clouds."

Take 10, 20, 30 or more minutes and just simply sit -- and pray. During all this stress, what things can you be  and are you thankful for? Are they only good things, or what about the things that maybe didn't go right, but you learned something in the process. Thank Him for that opportunity to grow and stretch your faith. Are you worrying about things? "For He Himself is our peace" (Eph 2:14a). Pray about those things that have you so worried. When I'm worried about something, I'll journal a prayer to God, writing out anything and everything that comes to mind. I'll ask questions, complain, put down my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it makes me cry, and brings me to the point that I can actually listen to Him and allow Him to change my mind and heart about something. When I write, I write anything that comes to my mind. Sometimes when I go back days or weeks later and read it, it doesn't really make sense. But God understands, He knows and He listens.

Referencing a previous blog post - once you decided that puzzle piece didn't fit - what did you do with it? Are you still hanging on to it, hoping it'll fit somewhere else in the puzzle? Have you looked at the pattern on the piece, is it supposed to be with this puzzle? Maybe you know it doesn't fit, and you've moved on, but that puzzle piece is still sitting on the table. You're still letting that little piece control your life. Its making you worry. Worry is a bit like that puzzle piece, it just sits there. It is utterly useless because it will not complete the puzzle. What piece of the puzzle do you have to let go of, and maybe simply throw away?

In one form or another, God will give us the answers to our questions. You can know He will answer because in the book of Jeremiah it says "Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you cannot even fathom." If you have a relationship with Christ, you can have the perfect hope that God will help you through anything. His plan is greater than any plan you could ever come up with, and He knows what is best for you.

"And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5:5).

So where is your head? Is it among the things here on earth that have you worried, anxious and stressed? Or is it "up in the clouds" on the One who can give us perfect hope in His perfect plan?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Puzzle Pieces

 Ever try to put a puzzle together without looking at the picture on the box?

Its possible - but it is so much easier to do when we have an image of the end result. Our lives are a whole bunch of puzzle pieces, and we have no idea what the big picture will look like one day. Only God knows what the end result will look like.

So why do we try so hard to fit all the pieces together when we cannot see the big picture?

Many times when we try to put the pieces together, we begin to feel overwhelmed or get incredibly frustrated when that one piece just won't fit. You're almost positive that its the right piece, but it just isn't working. Last year at this time, I thought I had my life and future all figured out - I could have told you where I was going to be in 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years. I had a plan - and I knew the big picture - or so I thought. I was trying to make that one puzzle piece fit into my life, and it was making me miserable. I was trying so hard to make something work, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that it wasn't in God's plan for my life right then. God had sent me a wake-up call and I finally realized that puzzle piece wasn't in the right place. So I took a step back, re-evaluated and had to take it and put it somewhere else in the puzzle. In my case, it was part of the puzzle, I just didn't have it in the right place, but sometimes that piece we're trying so hard to fit, isn't even part of our puzzle. It was incredibly difficult to let go of that piece of my life and walk away, but I knew that it wasn't right.

Oftentimes a good indicator of being in the will of God is if we're happy. Not the surface happiness, I'm talking about true happiness deep inside of you. That joy and peace that makes you smile and feel carefree. Do you have that, or does something seem to be sucking the life and joy out of you? Are you trying to fit something into your life that doesn't seem to be working? Is there a relationship in your life that you've been questioning? It may be with a boyfriend/girlfriend or simply a friendship, are you truly happy, or are you making excuses for yourself and the other person? Are you enjoying the major you are studying right now, or did you choose it to make someone else happy?

I want to throw a challenge out to you for sometime in the next few days - take an hour and go someplace you can be by yourself. No roommates, friends, parents, etc. to distract you. Evaluate some of the relationships in your life, the work that you're doing, the field that you're studying. Are you truly happy, or are you trying to fit that puzzle piece into your life?  

Below is a song that really encouraged me when that one piece make it feel like the puzzle was falling apart.

Fall Apart by Josh Wilson

Why in the world did I think I could
Only get to know you when my life was good
When everything just falls in place
The easiest thing is to give You praise

Now it all seems upside down

‘Cause my whole world is caving in
But I feel You now more than I did then
How can I come to the end of me
And somehow still have all I need
God, I want to know You more
Maybe this is how it starts
I find You when I fall apart

Blessed are the ones who understand
We’ve got nothing to bring but empty hands
Nothing to hide and nothing to prove
Our heartbreak brings us back to You

And it all seems upside down

‘Cause my whole world is caving in
But I feel You now more than I did then
How can I come to the end of me
And somehow still have all I need
God, I want to know You more
Maybe this is how it starts
I find You when I fall apart

I don’t know how long this will last
I’m praying for the pain to pass
But maybe this is the best thing that
Has ever happened to me

My whole world is caving in
But I feel You now more than I did then
How can I come to the end of me
And somehow still have all I need
God, I want to know You more
Maybe this is how it starts
I find You when
You will find me when I fall apart

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Am Who I Am - Your Approval Is Not Needed

If someone won't like you for who you really are, are they worth having in your life to begin with?

To expound upon this further, and in essence continue a previous blog post - how true is this statement? In The Chameleon Effect, I wrote about appearances and how people commonly judge someone strictly based on how they look. All too often this happens in today's society. In certain ways, yes - people should accept us for who we are. For instance, personality isn't really something that can be changed. But opinions, and beliefs can be. What if God brought that person into your life to help you become a better you? Not to change who you are, but to challenge you to become a better you.

Do you have a friend who seems to question your beliefs and opinions on almost everything? No matter what you say they always have the smart aleck comment or question that stops you in your tracks and makes you think. Are they really trying to argue with you, or are they trying to make you think about WHY you believe what you do, or WHY you have that certain opinion. If you're just jumping on the bandwagon with something - do they ask you questions to figure out WHY this bandwagon is so great?

In highschool, there were many people who didn't want to associate with me simply because I bought some of my clothes at thrift stores. I didn't look any different than they did, my clothes were still the same brands most times. However, because they came from a Goodwill or Jubilee - I wasn't good enough to be their friend. In this instance, I don't know if buying different clothes would have gotten me their friendship. In hindsight, I'm glad I wasn't in their circle. But back then, they wanted me to change something that didn't need changed. Thrift store shopping is a huge part of who I am, not only do I enjoy it, it holds awesome memories of my Nanna and Poppop. Why would I change something that gives me happiness just because someone else didn't like it?
Now, to go on a little further and explain my point, what if I was dressing horribly and looked like I was dragged out of the rag bag? What if that is why they wanted to "change me?" This would be a positive change, but they wouldn't be changing who I was. This change would be for the better.

Have friends who will challenge you to look at things in your life and ask yourself WHY you believe what you do.

Have Friends that make you Think.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Romanticism At Its Finest

Disney movies, fairy tale romance, chick flicks - true romanticism? I don't think so. 

I'm not completely knocking Disney movies, chick flicks, or fairy tale romance - there is a place for everything. However, I do believe that they put the wrong ideas in peoples' minds, especially the young kids that are being allowed to watch them. But that topic is for another post, another day, when I don't have to be up in 4 hours.

There are a few different types of romanticism out there in today's world. Granted, everyone is different, especially within their own relationship(s) throughout their life. But is some peoples' idea of romance -- truly romance at all?

Take facebook relationships for example. When I log on to check facebook, do I really want to see 9,000 cheesy wall posts between you and your significant other? Not really. Do I need to see "ily <3" or "I love you _____." at the end of every single status you post? No. Is there such a thing as displaying the relationship in public just a bit too much? Of course there is. The next few statements do not encompass everyone that does the aforementioned activities. But it seems to me that people who need to have their relationship on facebook that much are insecure either with themselves or... in the relationship. For many people, the posts on facebook are an ego booster, or a self-esteem builder. These types of people want everyone online to know that they are worth something to someone. It makes them feel better about themselves when everyone knows that they have someone to love, and someone who loves them. There are just certain things that should be left out of the public eye, off the world wide web, and saved for the ears and eyes of the person you are in a relationship with.

The next issue is something I came across time and time again over the years. In order to be romantic it costs a lot of money. Right? 

One of the things I grew up hearing in a youth group I attended was that "girls cost too much money." Or "all girls want is for you to take them out to fancy restaurants, and buy them gifts." Honestly, this is really sad if guys think this way about all girls. Yes, I do realize there are girls out there who truly do want a relationship for the money and gift aspect, but there are girls out there that are perfectly happy doing things that cost absolutely nothing or next to nothing. There are some girls who don't need to be bought.

How much does a walk at night under the stars cost? Free.
How about a hike during the day? Free. 
Her favorite movie from Redbox and cuddle on the couch? $3.00 max.
Her top 10 songs already on an itunes play-list to dance in the living room? Free.
A campfire with s'mores? $10.00 max.
A letter with a poem? Free. 

The list could go on... but I hope you get the point. 
True romance is really all about knowing the likes and dislikes of your significant other. I had one of my close guy friends complain to me that fancy chocolates for his girlfriend were so expensive. My answer was, "well, I'd be just as happy with my favorite pack of cookies... maybe with a bow or love note on for effect." I knew she'd have liked the idea too, and I told him that, but he didn't take me seriously and bought the expensive chocolates anyway. Maybe you're thinking, "but that's really cheesy, that seems like a cop-out, or it'll make me seem cheap!" Is it really a cop-out or "cheap" if its something the girl would want and enjoy? 
One of my best friends had no clue what to do for her boyfriend, she was broke and couldn't do something extravagant. I suggested a home-made coupon book with certain things that he enjoyed. Examples would be a massage, or free home-cooked dinner of your choice, a movie night that he got to choose the movie, unlimited hugs or kisses for the day, etc.

Does true romanticism have to be expensive? No. Does some thought need to go into it? Of course. A common quote is, "Its the thought that counts." Which is true, but if you really know the person, then the thought behind that perfect gift, will make it that much more special, ultimately giving you -- Romanticism At Its Finest.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Perfect Reflection

If you could only use one word to describe God, what would it be? It is virtually impossible to describe the God of the Universe in one simple word. Many people would say things such as
God is:

There are so many words that can be used to describe God. During a conversation with a friend she made mention that a certain speaker stated, "there is no one word that describes God. It is impossible to use only one word to describe Him. But if you HAD to choose just one it would be - perfection."

Yes, God is all those things I listed above, and so much more. But He is perfect in ALL of those things. One of the most commonly used phrases I have heard recently is, "God is Love." He is love, but He is PERFECT love. This kind of love is unfailing, unending, and unconditional, but it is also disciplinary which is something not many people like to talk about. They think that because God is love that everything should be "perfect" in their life, and that things should be easy. Not exactly so.

One example of this loving discipline that a wise mentor gave me is a silver smith. A silver smith, when molding the silver, will put the lump into the fire and allow it to stay there just until it gets bright red and hot, too much flame and the silver can be ruined. Next he'll then remove it from the flame and "mold" or pound the silver. Over and over again this process happens, with the silver being placed into the flame, removed, and molded. How does this silver smith know the silver is ready? When he looks into the piece and can see his reflection clearly - then and only then does he know that it is ready. This is an awesome example of God's perfect love for us. He molds us, and places us in the fire, time and time again, but only for as long as we can handle, to get us to the point that we will reflect Him clearly.
Have you been through fires in life? God is preparing you to show His perfect reflection. God is love, but He is perfect love, and perfect love is what we should reflect.

~God Loves In All Ways, For Always~