Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coffee with a Prostitute

We tell the world that Salvation is something that costs you nothing, and promises everything. But in reality, true salvation, will cost you everything.
There’s a woman in the Bible, who risked everything, including her life, for just one moment with a very important man. Some day I want to have coffee with her in Heaven. And yes, there will be coffee in Heaven because, well, the Bible says He brews it. Go ahead and say it, I’m pathetic. But you laughed, didn’t you?
You may be thinking, “oh she wants to meet Esther, or maybe Ruth, possibly even Mary sister of Lazarus.”
Wrong on all accounts.
I want to meet the prostitute in Luke 7
This woman was a “woman of the night,” a harlot, a prostitute. She sold her body to make a living. She was a woman that no one, at least no “good people” would talk to or associate with. Also in those days, people did not bathe once a  day like we do, maybe not even every week. And because of that, around this woman’s neck would hang a vial of perfume. This perfume would be used to overpower the body odor that I’m sure everyone had. She would most likely use a single drop at a time because it was such a precious commodity to have perfume. That was part of her livelihood. She would also use her hair as an eye-catcher. Women’s hair was supposed to be covered, up, and reserved only for her husband. However, this woman used her hair to work her whiles on the men.
To set up another scene, Jesus is at the house of Simon, and Simon had not offered to wash his feet. It was customary in those days that a guest, such as the rabbi Jesus, would have their feet washed. If it was an honored guest, the host would wash the person’s feet themselves. Picture walking all day in hot, dry, sand. Its probably been dusty, you’re starting to sweat, and now its stuck to your feet.  Oh, did I mention you were also wearing leather sandals or are barefoot? I think your feet would need washed… Well, after being snubbed by Simon; Jesus and the fellow guests reclined at the table, which meant they were laying on their side, propped up by an elbow. Therefore, the guests’ feet were probably touching at some point. Jesus’ feet were not washed, Simon snubbed him and didn’t wash Christ’s feet. Imagine if all the men’s feet were dirty, or just a few were clean? Simon didn’t wash Jesus’ feet. 
In the moments leading up to this dinner at Simon’s house, something touched this woman. Something, or someone, touched her so much that she was moved to tears. She then went into the dinner uninvited and stood over Jesus. Now not only was this uninvited interruption a huge offense, but because she was lower in class than Jesus, standing above Him at his feet was another sign of disrespect. In today’s culture, what she did would be called obscene. 
The woman was weeping, in fact, she was weeping so much that her tears were washing His feet. She was cleansing the Lord’s feet with her tears. I cannot even fathom this. I cry, not many people see me cry, but I do. I’m not made of stone. But to wash two feet? That’s a lot of tears. She then took her unbound hair (another obscene offense) and began to wipe His feet and clean them. Hair was a woman’s mark of beauty, and worthiness. It was not cut, and never seen by anyone except her husband. She let her hair down and then dried Christ’s feet with her crown of beauty. 
But here comes the best part.
She took that special vial of perfume, the one that she used maybe one drop per man that she serviced, and used the entire vial on Christ’s feet. Then, she prostrated herself on the floor, in front of an entire room of people, and began to kiss the Lord’s feet. She didn’t just use oil, she used perfume, expensive perfume. She was so desperate to show her affection that she risked death for a chance with the Lord Jesus.
Now Simon, he was not very happy with this harlot crashing his dinner party, but Jesus began to tell the parable of the two men who owed money. Their debts were forgiven, who loved the moneylender more? The one with the most debt forgiven. So Jesus, turning toward the woman, said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. Her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.”  
Sometimes I think the more people mess up, and realize that God forgives them, the more power they have in reaching people with the true love of God. I know I’ve been forgiven of things, and for me, its given me a special love for people in similar situations. I’m able to talk to them, without judging. I’m able to love them, without stipulations. I want them to know the same forgiveness I have known. I want them to know the loving God who I know and love for myself.
This woman’s faith, almost cost her everything. She could have been stoned for what she did. But, Christ forgave her for everything. She left that house, and was totally forgiven, but she had been willing to give up everything for a moment with Christ. Everyone may say “Salvation is a free gift, you don’t have to do anything!!” And no, we do not have to DO anything to receive salvation. It is a free gift. But once we have that gift, kind of like a new baby, it is going to cost us everything we have.
So while I do want to meet Esther, and Ruth and many other people in history.
 I really can’t wait to have coffee with a prostitute

Friday, August 24, 2012

Truth or Lie?

I'm asking YOU for feedback... ALWAYS tell the truth no matter what? Or is it ok to lie sometimes? Like when the lie is for the benefit of another person?

Leave a comment, tweet me, or facebook message me.

Live Like Christ, Love Like Christ

I’ve been musing about this for the past few days while catching up with friends at school. In the past 7 days I have heard it all. From engagement stories, to weddings, to break-ups, fights with friends, parents, in-laws. Just about everything.
The biggest thing that stood out to me though is that very few of my friends were loving like Christ loved when He was on earth, and how He still loves now.
There was no condemnation behind His love.
There was no judgement behind His love.
There was no ridicule behind His love.
Did Jesus judge? Of course He did; just one example is when He judged the Pharisee’s and Scribes who wouldn’t admit they were sinners. But He is perfect, He is omniscient, He is omnipotent, He is omnipresent, He is God. He had the right to judge.
I am a lowly senior in nursing school. Have I had experience in certain aspects of life – yes. However, that does not give me the right to judge other people in the way they live their life. When I think people are in the wrong, do I tell them? Sometimes… it really depends on the situation and how close I am to them.
I don’t agree with the lifestyle of every one of my friends; some are on the more conservative side, some are on the far opposite side. Do I love them all – YES. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without those friends in my life.
But someday each and every one of us will answer to God for the decisions we made throughout our life. It is His job to judge us. If we are Christians, thank the good Lord for forgiveness and we will be rejoicing in Heaven with Him.
We, as humans, have taken the liberty of allowing “Christianity” to entitle us to judge and condemn others for the decisions they make. This is where Christians gain a bad name; and quite honestly, Christianity is losing its beauty. True Christians should mimic the love of Christ. Jesus was a servant, He loved everyone, He had compassion, He listened to people, and He helped them.
It is impossible for us to have love that is unbiased, and isn’t skewed in some way. But it is possible for us to try and love like Christ did. When we ourselves realize the great sacrifice He made for us, such lowly sinners, we realize we’re no better than anyone else in the world.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Walk the Walk? Or Just Talk the Talk?

One of my professors today said "Your integrity will follow you for the rest of your life, a grade will not. Are you willing to sacrifice your integrity for something that no one will remember in a year or two?"

How many times are we willing to sacrifice just "one quiz" its no big deal.
I'll just look at her work to see how she did it... just this time.

I'm not going to lie... I've sacrificed things before that when I look back... I just think how stupid I was. They were just little things... things that probably no one else even noticed. But I've learned my lesson, and not only do I try to hold up my integrity, but by doing so, I help others as well. Maybe I sound like a hypocrite, but that is not my intention. I have to work at it too, its definitely not easy choosing the right thing. Even when no one else is watching. I know so many people who live two different lives though; one at school, one at home, etc., etc. We all do it, but I think the world needs to work at being real, being genuine. The definition of integrity is "being honest, and having strong moral principles."

One of the things that has hit me the past few days is that people do watch you. They remember things. Even if you're not aware of it, you could be changing someone's life. Its happened with me, and  I've been told that I've changed peoples' lives. I know I have changed simply because of something a person said or did when they had no idea I could hear them. It was awful... but I was able to take that and change how I handle certain situations in my own life. People that I only know bits and pieces about are telling me that the things I write on here have influenced some things in their own life. WOW.  Half the time I write, I feel like I'm just posting my rambling thoughts. No one really cares what I write, but somehow God turns my jumbled up thoughts into something that He can use to reach someone else.

So are you willing to sacrifice your integrity for a grade? or for something bigger? or even smaller?
Think about it.

Passages to look up:
Job 27:6
2 Cor 4:2
Hebrews 13:8

"Honesty is the best policy, as the saying goes. It works in business as it does in all of life. Without honesty, relationships fail, business turns sour, and self-respect goes right out the door. Honesty is the bedrock upon which we build our marriages, conduct our businesses, and sell our products."
~Edward Hayes~

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer's End

Dear Family and Friends,
            I am now back in Lynchburg for my senior year at Liberty University. I’m so excited to see what God has me learning during my final year of nursing school! This past summer was full of amazing experiences, and there are entirely too many stories to share on one page! Bear with me as I try to give you just a glimpse of what happened during the past two months.
            Once I arrived back from another year of summer missionary training school, I started right in with a full week of clubs. I taught at 3 day cares and one private home. The daycares averaged 12-15 children per day, so we always had a lot of fun. The kids loved the Bible lessons that taught the I Am’s of Christ. The first day we learned that He is the Good Shepherd, then the Bread of Life, and so on throughout the week. During the games we play to help the children learn their memory verses there was lots of laughter and carrying on, but the kids knew their memory verses the next day! At one of the clubs, 5 year old Curtis piped up and said “When Jesus died on the cross and went to Heaven, He left ME in charge of the world!” I wasn’t quite sure what to say to that…. During my second week of clubs, they were all in private homes or at the CEF county office. It was great being able to teach the same children as previous years and see how much they had grown in their faith. My last week of clubs were all local clubs in the Jonestown and surrounding area. In total I was able to teach about 25-30 kids every day. Because I work alone, counseling children for salvation is one of the biggest challenges I face. Mr. Ralph was able to come to club a few days throughout the summer and counsel children total for salvation. At one club we had 6 children respond to the invitation.
            One of the “favorite” parts of club for the children was the missionary story we teach every day. We always leave off at a cliff hanger so the kids want to come back the following day. This year we taught the story of John Paton who was one of the first missionaries to the Vanuatu islands. During his lifetime he was able to minister to many different groups of people on the islands. This was, by far, my favorite missionary story. Vanuatu has been close to my heart since I was in 9th grade. I got to hear a group of missionaries speak about the island peoples, and I have felt a burden since then for this people group. Financially, and schedule-wise, it has never worked out for me to go to Vanuatu. However, at the end of next summer, before I start full-time hospital work, I am praying for the opportunity to finally go to Vanuatu! The short-term trip schedule is not online yet for 2013, but if God allows, next August or September I will be making my way to those special islands off the coast of Australia prior to starting work full-time.
            Once again, thank you so much for your prayers and support during this summer. Financially you have helped me complete my last year of college, and pay for my car to be fixed (three times) in the past two months. Talk about Satan not wanting me at clubs… thank goodness we have an extra family car! Spiritually, I have felt your prayers at work throughout the summer when it felt like I couldn’t do one more thing. I would greatly appreciate your continued prayers as I finish up this rigorous last year at college, and make plans for the future. As of right now I will finish up with school mid-June of 2013, and begin studying for State Boards. Currently I do not know where I will be working after graduation, nor what my summer plans will be, but God will lead me in the right direction. I just continue to walk through the doors until God shuts one, and opens another. I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future!
Thank you again.

In Christ,
Meagan Gerberich
Memorable Moments.... 
Sabastian getting revenge with a bucket of water!

Mmmmm babies :)

Sister picture.

Me being "Dandy Lion" for the kids' game.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mind Your P's & Q's

Ever heard the phrase "Mind your P's and Q's?" It actually came from  the old saloon days when beer was served in pints and quarts. When people would get rowdy, the bartender would yell "Mind your P's and Q's."

I always thought it meant "mind your own business," but now I think of old drunks when I hear that saying. Ironic huh? Assumptions.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about this... assumptions. It doesn't matter who someone is, what kind of background they come from, or their current station in life: he or she will always be a victim of other people assuming things about them.

Home schooled? No social skills, friends, etc.
Dressed in expensive brands? Pampered rich kid.
Lots of clothes and shoes? Spoiled.
Nice car? Mommy & Daddy paid for it.
Fashion smart guy? In touch with his feminine side or gay.
Girl dresses a little sexy? She's scandalous or worse a slut.
Birth control? Girl is having sex.

If any of those offended you... I'm sorry. They were not meant to offend, simply to point out assumptions that people have each and every day. Sadly, I've assumed things similar to those, and have also been the subject of people's assumptions.

I will be one of the first to say that first impressions can make or break a meeting, friendship, etc. However, how often do those impressions stem from assumptions, which then lead to judgement?

It may sound like I'm generalizing, which I am not intending to do. When I write my blogs, I write to an intended audience, and if others read it - great.

Have you ever seen a homeless person and wondered what their story was? Maybe you think "wow, what a bum, go get a job." What if they can't get a job? Half the time if someone is homeless, they have no where to receive disability checks, welfare checks, or food stamps -- let alone to receive a paycheck. Sometimes it seems there is no way for them to get out of the poverty. There is a book called "The Street Lawyer" that I picked up the other day. Such an awesome book with a very different and eye-opening perspective about life on the streets. There are over 10,000 homeless in Manhattan... over 15% of those homeless people are Vietnam Veterans. Why in the world are military veterans homeless?! PTSD, various psychological disorders, overly qualified for jobs so they can't get work, many various reasons. Homeless people are just that - people

How about assuming something because of the way they're dressed? A few days ago someone assumed I was in the military because I had a certain "physique" and was dressed in workout clothes. Why they assumed that? I have no idea. How about the opposite direction? What if I had been dressed in a short jean skirt and tank-top? The assumption would have been much different.

I've seen people judged for being on birth control. Well why not? They're obviously having sex... right?     There's multiple health reasons someone could be on birth control medication. Health reasons. Not necessarily sex reasons.

I wear a ring on my left hand. Its my Nanna's ring that she gave me over 10 years ago. I rarely go without it. No, its not a wedding ring. Its not a purity ring. Its a simple gold ring, with special sentimental value, and it reminds me not to settle for anything less than the best. My Nanna didn't, why should I? Not to mention it doesn't fit on any of my other fingers lol

Jesus didn't assume things. Of course, He already knew everything, like with the woman at the well. He already knew she had 5 different men, and in fact, none of them were her husband. But did He judge? No. He welcomed her into God's loving embrace, and shared the gospel with her. Can we really be completely like Christ? Of course not, but isn't that what being a Christian is all about: being like Christ? That should be our goal in life, to live like Christ. We should strive to be the the perfect reflection.

Sometimes people need to stop assuming, stop making judgments, and start Minding Your Own P's & Q's.