Monday, April 2, 2012

Waiting on God - Day 4

Read: Psalm 145

 The focus of the passage is waiting on God for supplies. He supplies all we need, not necessarily all we want. I think many people forget that when they ask God for things. He sees the big picture, He knows the future, He knows what we need.
Whenever I hear of God supplying our needs, I immediately think of an army waiting for the necessary equipment required to complete their mission. They cannot complete the mission unless they have the needed supplies, so they wait.
We wait on God to supply us with the necessary "supplies" in life so that we can complete our "mission" here on Earth.

Challenge: How much time do you spend on your needs rather than focusing on God? 
When we wait in quiet peace, we hear that still small voice. If we're constantly focusing on our own needs, and more often than not, our own wants, we sometimes miss His voice. I'm not saying it isn't okay to pray and ask God for things, but He has already promised to supply our needs, so why not take more time focusing on Him.

The Lord keeps all who love Him,
But all the wicked He will destroy.
My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord,
And all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever.
v. 20-21

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