Day 1
Read: Psalm 62
This is one of my favorite chapters in the Old Testament. It continuously reminds me that God is in control. He is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be greatly shaken.
At one point in the devotional portion for today the author says,
"Waiting becomes the only way to experience a full salvation, the only way, truly, to know God as the God of our salvation."
At first I was taken aback. Salvation does not depend on me waiting. Salvation is a gift. But then I read the statement again, and again, and again. I didn't get it. So I reread the entire paragraph; once, twice, three times. It finally hit me. The author isn't saying that if we don't wait we are not saved. The author is saying that by taking things into our own hands over and over again, we are not trusting God and His perfect plan; therefore, we do not experience the full benefit of our salvation. If you don't trust someone, how can you have a real relationship with that person? Taking things into our own hands is saying that we don't trust God. If we can't trust God, the Perfect One, the Creator of the world, who can we trust?
Challenge: Type your definition of what it means to wait on God.
I feel like most people, when they hear "just wait on God" automatically think that they need to put their lives on hold. Just sit around and wait for God to drop it in your lap. I've found this is especially true with relationships, and jobs. I'm waiting for God to bring me the right person, or to give me the right job; and they complain that they have to wait so long. But those same people are not doing anything about their situation. How are you going to find "the one" (I don't believe in 'the one') when you're sitting on your duff and not going out? How are you going to get the perfect job - if you're not even applying for any jobs? Don't miss out on life, experiences, and relationships because you're "waiting on God." I don't believe that is what it means.

Keep going through the doors until God shuts one.
Then find the new door that He has opened,
And Walk Through.
Great Post
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