Disney movies, fairy tale romance, chick flicks - true romanticism? I don't think so.

I'm not completely knocking Disney movies, chick flicks, or fairy tale romance - there is a place for everything. However, I do believe that they put the wrong ideas in peoples' minds, especially the young kids that are being allowed to watch them. But that topic is for another post, another day, when I don't have to be up in 4 hours.
There are a few different types of romanticism out there in today's world. Granted, everyone is different, especially within their own relationship(s) throughout their life. But is some peoples' idea of romance -- truly romance at all?
Take facebook relationships for example. When I log on to check facebook, do I really want to see 9,000 cheesy wall posts between you and your significant other? Not really. Do I need to see "ily <3" or "I love you _____." at the end of every single status you post? No. Is there such a thing as displaying the relationship in public just a bit too much? Of course there is. The next few statements do not encompass everyone that does the aforementioned activities. But it seems to me that people who need to have their relationship on facebook that much are insecure either with themselves or... in the relationship. For many people, the posts on facebook are an ego booster, or a self-esteem builder. These types of people want everyone online to know that they are worth something to someone. It makes them feel better about themselves when everyone knows that they have someone to love, and someone who loves them. There are just certain things that should be left out of the public eye, off the world wide web, and saved for the ears and eyes of the person you are in a relationship with.
The next issue is something I came across time and time again over the years. In order to be romantic it costs a lot of money. Right?
One of the things I grew up hearing in a youth group I attended was that "girls cost too much money." Or "all girls want is for you to take them out to fancy restaurants, and buy them gifts." Honestly, this is really sad if guys think this way about all girls. Yes, I do realize there are girls out there who truly do want a relationship for the money and gift aspect, but there are girls out there that are perfectly happy doing things that cost absolutely nothing or next to nothing. There are some girls who don't need to be bought.

How about a hike during the day? Free.
Her favorite movie from Redbox and cuddle on the couch? $3.00 max.
Her top 10 songs already on an itunes play-list to dance in the living room? Free.
A campfire with s'mores? $10.00 max.
A letter with a poem? Free.
The list could go on... but I hope you get the point.
True romance is really all about knowing the likes and dislikes of your significant other. I had one of my close guy friends complain to me that fancy chocolates for his girlfriend were so expensive. My answer was, "well, I'd be just as happy with my favorite pack of cookies... maybe with a bow or love note on for effect." I knew she'd have liked the idea too, and I told him that, but he didn't take me seriously and bought the expensive chocolates anyway. Maybe you're thinking, "but that's really cheesy, that seems like a cop-out, or it'll make me seem cheap!" Is it really a cop-out or "cheap" if its something the girl would want and enjoy?
One of my best friends had no clue what to do for her boyfriend, she was broke and couldn't do something extravagant. I suggested a home-made coupon book with certain things that he enjoyed. Examples would be a massage, or free home-cooked dinner of your choice, a movie night that he got to choose the movie, unlimited hugs or kisses for the day, etc.
Does true romanticism have to be expensive? No. Does some thought need to go into it? Of course. A common quote is, "Its the thought that counts." Which is true, but if you really know the person, then the thought behind that perfect gift, will make it that much more special, ultimately giving you -- Romanticism At Its Finest.
I really like this :) Im so glad you pointed out the whole "relationships dont have to cost alot of money" thing. I think dates like walks under the stars and smores at a campfire are WAY more romantic than a box of expensive chocolates.
ReplyDeleteGood post! I'm glad there are others out there who don't like all the "l love you sweetheart" statues on Facebook. Thanks for sharing! God bless!