If someone won't like you for who you really are, are they worth having in your life to begin with?
To expound upon this further, and in essence continue a previous blog post - how true is this statement? In The Chameleon Effect, I wrote about appearances and how people commonly judge someone strictly based on how they look. All too often this happens in today's society. In certain ways, yes - people should accept us for who we are. For instance, personality isn't really something that can be changed. But opinions, and beliefs can be. What if God brought that person into your life to help you become a better you? Not to change who you are, but to challenge you to become a better you.
Do you have a friend who seems to question your beliefs and opinions on almost everything? No matter what you say they always have the smart aleck comment or question that stops you in your tracks and makes you think. Are they really trying to argue with you, or are they trying to make you think about WHY you believe what you do, or WHY you have that certain opinion. If you're just jumping on the bandwagon with something - do they ask you questions to figure out WHY this bandwagon is so great?
In highschool, there were many people who didn't want to associate with me simply because I bought some of my clothes at thrift stores. I didn't look any different than they did, my clothes were still the same brands most times. However, because they came from a Goodwill or Jubilee - I wasn't good enough to be their friend. In this instance, I don't know if buying different clothes would have gotten me their friendship. In hindsight, I'm glad I wasn't in their circle. But back then, they wanted me to change something that didn't need changed. Thrift store shopping is a huge part of who I am, not only do I enjoy it, it holds awesome memories of my Nanna and Poppop. Why would I change something that gives me happiness just because someone else didn't like it?
Now, to go on a little further and explain my point, what if I was dressing horribly and looked like I was dragged out of the rag bag? What if that is why they wanted to "change me?" This would be a positive change, but they wouldn't be changing who I was. This change would be for the better.
Have friends who will challenge you to look at things in your life and ask yourself WHY you believe what you do.
Have Friends that make you Think.
Good post! :) I like to buy my clothes at thrift stores, too.