Have you ever been in the water at the beach and watched in horror as a huge waves comes rolling towards you? You turn and try to make a mad dash towards the sand, but the wave is too fast and too big for you to outrun. You fall and are tossed through the water and sand up onto the shore. Why did you try to outrun it?
What would have happened if you had waited until the wave was almost on top of you, the dove underneath it? Within seconds it would have rolled right over top of you, leaving you free to be above water. Running from the "waves of life" only tosses you into a foaming fury of entanglements, frustrations, and emotions later on. Much like being tossed upon the sandy beach. The best way to beat the waves of trials and tough challenges is to face them head on. Almost as if you are anticipating them. How do we do that? By digging deeper into the Word of God and preparing ahead of time for a trial or temptation that may come our way. So many times when I've been tempted to do something I know is wrong, a Bible verse that I memorized as a little kid in Sunday School will come to my mind. Sometimes that verse will pertain to the temptation I'm struggling with, other times it may just be one of God's promises to be my rock, or my strength - EVERY time it reminds me to take my struggle to the ONE who knows me better than anyone on this earth.
Diving "under the waves" may not necessarily guarantee that the trial will be shorter, or easier, but running from those trials will not solve anything either. Not only will diving under the wave allow you to face the trials head-on, it will build perseverance and strength. Romans 5:3 says "suffering produces perseverance." God allows trials to build and strengthen our faith and our trust in Him. He promises to help us through any trial and temptation that we might face.
I hear the tumult of the raging seas
As Your waves and surging tides sweep over me.
Through each day the LORD pours His unfailing love upon me,
And through each night I sing His songs,
Praying to God who gives me life.
Psalm 42:78 NLT
You alone are Lord. You made the Heavens, even the highest Heavens,
and all their starry hosts, the earth and all that is on it, the Seas and all that is in them.
You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship You.
Nehemiah 9:6
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