Ever heard the phrase "Mind your P's and Q's?" It actually came from the old saloon days when beer was served in pints and quarts. When people would get rowdy, the bartender would yell "Mind your P's and Q's."
I always thought it meant "mind your own business," but now I think of old drunks when I hear that saying. Ironic huh? Assumptions.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about this... assumptions. It doesn't matter who someone is, what kind of background they come from, or their current station in life: he or she will always be a victim of other people assuming things about them.
Home schooled? No social skills, friends, etc.
Dressed in expensive brands? Pampered rich kid.
Lots of clothes and shoes? Spoiled.
Nice car? Mommy & Daddy paid for it.
Fashion smart guy? In touch with his feminine side or gay.
Girl dresses a little sexy? She's scandalous or worse a slut.
Birth control? Girl is having sex.
If any of those offended you... I'm sorry. They were not meant to offend, simply to point out assumptions that people have each and every day. Sadly, I've assumed things similar to those, and have also been the subject of people's assumptions.
I will be one of the first to say that first impressions can make or break a meeting, friendship, etc. However, how often do those impressions stem from assumptions, which then lead to judgement?
It may sound like I'm generalizing, which I am not intending to do. When I write my blogs, I write to an intended audience, and if others read it - great.
Have you ever seen a homeless person and wondered what their story was? Maybe you think "wow, what a bum, go get a job." What if they can't get a job? Half the time if someone is homeless, they have no where to receive disability checks, welfare checks, or food stamps -- let alone to receive a paycheck. Sometimes it seems there is no way for them to get out of the poverty. There is a book called "The Street Lawyer" that I picked up the other day. Such an awesome book with a very different and eye-opening perspective about life on the streets. There are over 10,000 homeless in Manhattan... over 15% of those homeless people are Vietnam Veterans. Why in the world are military veterans homeless?! PTSD, various psychological disorders, overly qualified for jobs so they can't get work, many various reasons. Homeless people are just that - people
How about assuming something because of the way they're dressed? A few days ago someone assumed I was in the military because I had a certain "physique" and was dressed in workout clothes. Why they assumed that? I have no idea. How about the opposite direction? What if I had been dressed in a short jean skirt and tank-top? The assumption would have been much different.
I've seen people judged for being on birth control. Well why not? They're obviously having sex... right? There's multiple health reasons someone could be on birth control medication. Health reasons. Not necessarily sex reasons.
I wear a ring on my left hand. Its my Nanna's ring that she gave me over 10 years ago. I rarely go without it. No, its not a wedding ring. Its not a purity ring. Its a simple gold ring, with special sentimental value, and it reminds me not to settle for anything less than the best. My Nanna didn't, why should I? Not to mention it doesn't fit on any of my other fingers lol
Jesus didn't assume things. Of course, He already knew everything, like with the woman at the well. He already knew she had 5 different men, and in fact, none of them were her husband. But did He judge? No. He welcomed her into God's loving embrace, and shared the gospel with her. Can we really be completely like Christ? Of course not, but isn't that what being a Christian is all about: being like Christ? That should be our goal in life, to live like Christ. We should strive to be the the perfect reflection.
Sometimes people need to stop assuming, stop making judgments, and start Minding Your Own P's & Q's.
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