Have you ever had one of "those days" where everything seems to be going wrong? This past week seemed like that for me... the song lyrics "Cause You Had a Bad Day" keep coming to mind when I think about it. I had gone off coffee completely, and I had decided to go a week without sweets. Nothing seemed to be going right, at various times I would find myself in a horrible mood. Certain things set me off and some things happened throughout the week that weren't very pleasant. People said some things, and I let it affect me more than I should have.
Now however, after the fact... I'm looking back and remembering things and I'm laughing about them.
- Text messages that were misinterpreted or misread and the wrong reply was sent -- Now it makes for a hilarious story.
- Someone you thought was a friend, but you find out they believe something about you that isn't true -- Now I laugh that the person would honestly believe that about me.
- Awkward situations that you only see in movies -- I laugh because I couldn't have done anything differently or prevented the situation from happening.
- Someone bashing me for things, and in essence "talking smack" for lack of a better term -- I can laugh because I later overhear her saying they're jealous of my life -- the one where I take 18 credits and work 30 hours a week. Why they're jealous? That is beyond my scope of imagination.
Random Walmart trip with Brooke to pick up a large back of M&Ms just because. Vent sessions where you end up laughing at how ridiculous the situation sounds. Hanging out with friends and laughing about inside jokes. Watching videos in the Science Lab and laughing so hard our sides hurt. Talking with my mom as she's giving advice... and laughing at her ridiculous fake "suggestions."
All of these things happened because other people cared enough to bring laughter into my world at a time when I needed it. If you've brought color into my life this past week, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. But when someone you know is feeling down do you go down to their level or do you try to bring them up? Send a little text message. Google search a goofy quote that makes them smile. Bring a little color into their world.
God made laughter for a reason... he wants us to be happy and joyful. Not just surface happiness but that joy deep down inside of you that bubbles up from within.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the soul.
~Proverbs 17:22~
He will fill your mouth with laughter.
~Job 8:21~
Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord.
~Psalm 100:1~
I would consider laughter a joyful noise (weird laughs excluded lol).
Laughter is what bring Color to the World... Go out and Color someone's World.
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