Even though I live off-campus, two of my best friends still live on campus. Ironically, more often than not, I'm in their dorm more than anywhere else. For the past few weeks their hall has been doing something called the Heart's Challenge. Every week there are two things that they have to go without -- for an entire week. Last week it was caffeine and music, the week before it was riding the bus and makeup.This week the challenge is to give up facebook and sweets. In order to empathize with them (and partly so that I could complain with them and not just listen to them complain), I have said goodbye to facebook. Let's be real people, I'm a facebook addict. I cannot tell you how many times I have thought about getting on it, just in the past 24 hours.
But I got a reality check today.
Do our lives really revolve around an online page that shares things with the whole world? I began asking myself today how many thoughts and comments are put on facebook that really shouldn't be said. Some of the times I caught myself today -- I wondered after the fact what in the world I was thinking. Why would I put something like that online? To get a few likes, or maybe some comments? I'm not going to go onto a pedestal about what should and shouldn't be posted on facebook - because its not my place. But I will say that just today, I have used my time much more wisely than before -- and realized how much time I really wasted.

Because I gave up facebook, I've had a little more time on my hands. Time to do more important things. One of the things that I was able to do is go through the 300 pictures I ordered a few weeks ago. They've been sitting in a box in my living room for about 3 weeks now. The memories that I had forgotten about, the people that I shared them with. Most of the pictures were my family, and specifically my little brother Ross. I'm still amazed at how much love you can have for someone. I love him as much as if he were my own, and granted, I helped raise him during my last two years of high school. He's my baby, He's my Little Man.
When I went away to college, he was a year and a half old and barely talking. The screen saver on our home computer was my senior pictures, and my mom told me he'd sit there and watch them. When I'd call home, they'd let him listen to my voice, and later my mom would describe the way his face would light up hearing me. One day my sister got the brilliant idea to tell him I lived in the computer. Once he started talking though, it didn't stop. It was October of my freshman year the first time he said "Hi Meme" on the phone to me. (Yes, I know Meme means grandma, but that's what my little sister and now Ross called me because they couldn't say my name). Now he can't stop talking to me when I call. Sometimes I'll hear my mom in the background telling him to give her the phone, and then I hear pounding feet and giggling as he's running around the house keeping it away. He'll then stop and ask "Meagan, can you still talk to me?" It breaks my heart to say I can't keep talking.

Maybe instead of facebook today...
I'll have a phone date with my Little Man.

Because I gave up facebook, I've had a little more time on my hands. Time to do more important things. One of the things that I was able to do is go through the 300 pictures I ordered a few weeks ago. They've been sitting in a box in my living room for about 3 weeks now. The memories that I had forgotten about, the people that I shared them with. Most of the pictures were my family, and specifically my little brother Ross. I'm still amazed at how much love you can have for someone. I love him as much as if he were my own, and granted, I helped raise him during my last two years of high school. He's my baby, He's my Little Man.
When I went away to college, he was a year and a half old and barely talking. The screen saver on our home computer was my senior pictures, and my mom told me he'd sit there and watch them. When I'd call home, they'd let him listen to my voice, and later my mom would describe the way his face would light up hearing me. One day my sister got the brilliant idea to tell him I lived in the computer. Once he started talking though, it didn't stop. It was October of my freshman year the first time he said "Hi Meme" on the phone to me. (Yes, I know Meme means grandma, but that's what my little sister and now Ross called me because they couldn't say my name). Now he can't stop talking to me when I call. Sometimes I'll hear my mom in the background telling him to give her the phone, and then I hear pounding feet and giggling as he's running around the house keeping it away. He'll then stop and ask "Meagan, can you still talk to me?" It breaks my heart to say I can't keep talking.

Maybe instead of facebook today...
I'll have a phone date with my Little Man.