So I've decided to start a bucket list. Yes, its cliche, but oh well. There are lots of stories behind some of these, and some that are just whimsical wishes that I've always wanted to do.
1. Road trip to the West Coast - Southern Cali Beaches.
2. Run a 5k.
3. Run a 10k.
4. Attend a real News Years Eve party, possibly in a big city?
5. Sleep out on the beach under the stars... with a tent as backup of course.
6. Travel to Venice, Italy, and Greece.
7. Go snorkeling in Hawaii.
8. Go on a biking trip.
9. Hike the Appalachian Trail.
10. Go skydiving.
11. See Niagra Falls.
12. Go running on Black Water Creek trails.
13. Go to a theme park with a significant other.
14. Visit the places where Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea were filmed on Prince Edward Island.
15. Learn how to surf.
16. Go horseback riding.
17. Ride a motorcycle (not drive).
18. Buy a hammock.
19. Go on a missions trip to Vanuatu.
20. Attend a formal dance, one that doesn't include getting ditched.
21. Learn how to ballroom dance.
22. Get dressed up, go to a fancy restaurant and get the most expensive item on the menu just because I can (this will probably be after I get a job haha).
23. Cliff Jumping
24. Explore behind a waterfall (just like the movies.... sorta)
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